写时复制(Copy on Write)

Simply put

Copy-on-write (COW) is a memory optimization technique that is used to avoid unnecessary copying of data. When a program creates a new object or variable, it is initially created as a reference to the original object. The original object is not copied until it is modified. This means that multiple references to the same object can exist without taking up additional memory until a modification is made.

For example, if a program creates a string object and assigns it to two variables, both variables reference the same string object in memory. If one of the variables modifies the string, a new copy of the string is created, and the variable now references the new copy. The other variable continues to reference the original string object until it is modified.

COW is commonly used in operating systems, file systems, and other applications where large amounts of data may be duplicated. It is an efficient way to manage memory and reduce the amount of copying required, which can improve performance and reduce memory usage.






数据库系统中,常用于高可用性的实现。在数据库服务器的主从备份(Master-Slave Replication)机制中,主服务器会将新写入的数据同步至备份服务器。在使用写时复制机制时,从服务器只有在收到主服务器发来的新数据后,才会进行一份完整的数据复制操作。


Java 代码示例

package com.patience.com.patience.algorithm;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * @author Green.Gee
 * @date 2023/6/19 14:53
 * @email green.gee.lu@gmail.com
public class COW {

     * Copy-on-write (COW) is a technique used in computer programming to optimize the use of resources,
     * particularly memory.
     * It is used in many programming languages, including Java.
     * In Java, COW is implemented in the "java.util.concurrent" package.
     * When a variable is created, it is assigned a pointer to a data structure.
     * When the variable is copied, the pointer is also copied, but the data structure is not.
     * Instead, the copy and the original share the same data structure until one of them is modified.
     * At that point, a new data structure is created for the modified copy.
     * Here is an example of COW in Java:
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Integer> data = new ArrayList<>();

        List<Integer> copy = Collections.unmodifiableList(data);

        System.out.println("Original data: " + data);
        System.out.println("Copy data: " + copy);

        data.set(0, 4);

        System.out.println("Original data: " + data);
        System.out.println("Copy data: " + copy);

     * In this example, a copy of the "data" variable is created using the  Collections.unmodifiableList()  method.
     * The copy is stored in the "copy" variable. When the "data" variable is modified,
     * a new data structure is created for the modified copy.
     * The original "data" variable remains unchanged.
     * When the program prints the "data" and "copy" variables,
     * it shows that they have the same values initially.
     * However, when the "data" variable is modified, only the "data" variable is changed,
     * while the "copy" variable remains the same.
     * This demonstrates how COW can be used to optimize memory usage in Java.


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