

  • 国际期刊
      • 1、Science Robotics
      • 2、IEEE Transactions on Robotics(TRO)
      • 3、IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(TASE)
      • 4、International Journal of Robotics Research(IJRR)
      • 5、IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters(RA-L)
      • 6、Journal of Field Robotics(JFR)
      • 7、IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine(RAM)
  • 国际会议
      • 1、Annual Conference on Robot Learning(CoRL)
      • 2、 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
      • 3、IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
      • 4、International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems(AAMAS)
  • 机器学习/人工智能(会议)
      • 1、ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning
      • 2、NIPS: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
      • 3、AAAI: Conference on Artificial Intelligence
      • 4、IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • 机器视觉(会议)
      • 1、CVPR: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
      • 2、ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision
      • 3、ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision


1、Science Robotics

  • 中科院一区top,science子刊
  • 致力于发表仿人机器人方向的研究

2、IEEE Transactions on Robotics(TRO)

  • 中科院一区top

3、IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(TASE)

  • 中科院一区top
  • 周期很长

4、International Journal of Robotics Research(IJRR)

  • 中科院二区,老牌顶刊

5、IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters(RA-L)

  • 中科院二区,审稿速度快
  • 适合一些较为小巧需要迅速发出来的工作
  • 6页,最多8页

6、Journal of Field Robotics(JFR)

  • 中科院二区

7、IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine(RAM)

  • 中科院二区
期刊 IF 分区 IF 分区
Science Robotics 23.748 1区top 27.541 1区top
IEEE Transactions on Robotics(TRO) 6.8 2区 7.8 1区top
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(TASE) 2区 5.6 1区top
International Journal of Robotics Research(IJRR) 4.7 3区 6.8 2区
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters(RA-L) 4.3 2区 5.2 2区
Journal of Field Robotics(JFR) 3.7 2区 6.3 2区
IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine(RAM) 3.5 2区 5.0 2区


1、Annual Conference on Robot Learning(CoRL)

  • 新晋会议,侧重机器人和机器学习结合
  • 核心点:模型要新颖,要解决实际问题,一定要有真实数据验证,纯仿真肯定挂。

2、 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

  • 接受率40%,核心点:解决的问题一定要具有独特的意义,并且算法是为问题服务的。可以拼接,可以仿真,但一定要有实际问题,一定要可解释。

3、IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

  • 接受率40-50%,很简单,收录的很杂

4、International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems(AAMAS)

会议 投稿时间 结果时间 页数 CCF 接受率
CoRL 0515 0910 8页单+ 40%
ICRA 0915 0131 6页双+ B 40%
IROS 0301 0630 6页双栏 C 40-50%
AAMAS 1009 1220 8页双+ B 23%


1、ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning

2、NIPS: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

3、AAAI: Conference on Artificial Intelligence

4、IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence


1、CVPR: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

2、ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision

3、ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision

会议 投稿时间 结果时间 页数 CCF 接受率
ICML 0109 0426 8+ A
IJCAI 0104 0419 7+2 A
IROS 0301 0630 6页双栏 C 40-50%
ICCV 0308 0713 8页单栏 A
ECCV 0307 0703 8页单栏 B
CoRL 0515 0910 8页单+ 40%
NIPS 0517 0922 8+ A
AAAI 0711 1118 7+ A
ICRA 0915 0131 6页双+ B 40%
AAMAS 1009 1220 8页双+ B
CVPR 1111 0227 8页单栏 A



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