
关键词: 考研 学校 SpringBoot

The postgraduate entrance examination of college students is a manifestation of higher education in colleges and universities. The development of education is the foundation of our society, and the development of information technology is an important factor to change our lives. There are various scenes in life where the development of information technology exists. The advent of WEB information technology makes people feel the convenience brought by science and technology in their lives. They can find the places they do not know by navigation, and see the tourist attractions they have not been to online. The development of digital technology has brought good news to all kinds of enterprises. Intelligent manufacturing and digital transformation provide technological strength to the development of enterprises. These are just ordinary scenes, and some more in-depth algorithm scenes are changing people’s lives. As for the navigation algorithm used most in travel, the time and road conditions required at different moments are also very different, and it is difficult to do without powerful algorithm functions to support these. Education development has always been an important factor concerned by all walks of life in our society. The construction of college informatization is also constantly innovating with the tide of the Internet. In the construction of college informatization, the computer entrance examination is the most concerned by students and teachers. Very troublesome. Therefore, it is very important to develop a computer exchange platform for postgraduate entrance examination.
The design is to use our daily familiar JAVA technology to carry out technical support, at the same time using JSP way to carry out a front-end page, perfect advanced technology to bring us a very good feeling. The Springboot framework is also used to solve life problems with new information technology.
Key words: Graduate school SpringBoot

摘要 I
Abstract II
一、 前言 3
(一) 背景及开发意义 3
(二) 国内外研究现状 3
(三) 设计思路 4
二、 相关技术介绍 4
(一) JS语言 4
(二) MYSQL简介 5
(三) B/S架构简介 5
(四) IDEA工具简介 5
(五) Spring Boot简介 6
三、 需求分析 6
(一) 功能需求 6
(二) 系统总体建设 6
(三) 非功能性需求分析 7
(四) 系统流程设计 7
四、 系统可行性研究 8文章来源地址https://uudwc.com/A/yAMXm

  1. 经济可行性 8
  2. 运行可行性 9
  3. 技术可行性 9
    五、 系统总体设计 9
    六、 数据库设计 10
    (一) E-R图 10
    (二) 数据库表实现 11
    七、系统实现 13
  4. 首页 13
  5. 学校信息 13
  6. 登录页面 14
  7. 后台管理页面 14
    参考文献 15
    致谢 17


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